Friday, April 2, 2010


Okay, so this is a huge project and I don't really want to put it off til the very end... maybe we can get started on it now so it's not soo much at the end? What are you thinking?


  1. sorry i was out of town and did not have access to a computer if you want i can get it started tomorrow and we can go from there

  2. i emailed ur gmail account with the info i have started the site not to far tho

  3. hey, thanks for starting everything! Yeah I will try to add some to it today or tomorrow. Let me know if there is anything you want me to do!

    Also do you have the inspiration trial still? It says we have to make a third concept map

  4. yeah i have 7 days left i will make changes and post it

  5. okay, sounds good. I havent really had a chance to get on the website, I will definitely get some work done on it this weekend. Sorry about that,

  6. its okay i havent had that much time too.

  7. ok i am not having a good time getting the podcast to show up. it wont show up as an attachment and it play on youtube

  8. alright I will try to figure it out. Also she said we need to have a bunch of extra stuff on the site also. So I will try to find some stuff to put on there. For our big bang thing what do you want to do? Have the kids design the classroom t be like a recycling center or something for the whole school?

  9. alright i started to make some changes. its going to take a lot of work to finish it up. I tried to uploud my podcast onto youtube so i could just post a link to it that way, but it didnt work either. You had the format of the website like listing all of the assignments we have done, i guess she didndt want that though so I tried to chnge it to something more like she was asking. LEt me know what you think. I am going to work going to work on it a bit more today and then call it good. Feel free to go on and change stuff around.

  10. hey, we also have to have three websites that we like also. I added three throughout the website, you need to add three now too. Just try to make them fit into the categories. We each also have to make another work, like a new podcast, lesson, etc. I don't know what I'm going to make yet. I might just make another lesson.

  11. i am going to make another lesson and put it on there. i will find three more websites and put them on. sorry i havent been on here recently been real busy

  12. Hey, I pretty much did all I'm going to do. THe home page needs to be edited. You need to find benchmarks/curriculum standards that the website follows and meets. I just put some that the lessons met, so thats wrong. You need to put your name on the bottom of the home page, the why do we recycle page, the concept map page, and also the site map page. If you want to add more thats fine also, I went through and added little things to some of the pages like a word search. I'll probably get on tomorrow and make tiny final changes, and then do you want to go ahead and post it sunday?

  13. Oh, you also need to put your podcast on as well. I had to open mine in windows movie maker, and then save it that way, and upload it to youtube. Just put it on whatever page it makes sense to go on. That's pretty much what I did...

  14. we also need to add our epal and google map

  15. hey, the recycle drive page you made is the same as the big bang page that I made. She called it "Big Bang" in the instructions so I just assumed that is what we should call it. Also she said not to have a page just for lessons, just try to incorporate the lesson sources you found into the appropriate page that makes sense. For instance if the lesson is about different things to recycle, put it on the page called "What do we Recycle". Thanks,

  16. I haven't heard from you, I just wanted to let you know I am going to be posting the link at 10:00 tonight. I changed some of the stuff because we weren't supposed to have a seperate page for google maps and google docs, so I put it on a different page. You need to make sure to put your podcast on one of the pages. Again, I am posting the link at 10, so make sure you're done by then.

  17. hey, I posted above, but I was on the website email so it says anthony. Please read the comment above though because I wrote it for you. I said that I'm posting the link at 10. Thanks
