Friday, March 19, 2010


have you thought of what we should do? i might have some ideas. we should prolly get started on it soon.


  1. yeah, lets get started. Some ideas I have.
    -Why we recycle
    -What we recycle
    -History of recycling
    -Crafts using recyclables
    -Recycling around the world
    Let me know what you think. I can keep my blog open and keep checking if you are going to be on today?
    I won't be able to do anything tomorrow because I'm involved in the international festival

  2. those are good ideas. maybe we can do the why and the history together. if can get a firm idea by wednesday that would be good

  3. Sounds good. If you want I can do the history and than it can go into you doing the why. I'll probably get started on it tomorrow

  4. I'll post a script of what I'm going to say tonight. If you want to just pick some music I can use it too

  5. just pick any music i dont think it has to be the same. im just gonna pick a mellow song. but yeah ill go in the why and just let me know what you finish with

  6. here is my script so far, do you know what exactly we are supposed to add from the textbook? I don't really know what I'm doing!

    Although recycling as we know it is a very recent establishment, people have been recycling since before 12,000 BC. Before we can understand why it is we recycle, it is important to understand how far we have come, and what exactly in history led us to where we are today. Let’s consider how early humans first recycled, and the progression that has been made to get us where we are today. Way back In 12,000 BC early Egyptians recycled old glass into jewelry and beads. And In 200 AD the Romans began the first street sanitation efforts. From around 1400-1700’s laws were put into place to reduce trash in streets, but unfortunately weren’t really enforced. In 1757 Benjamin Franklin began the first pickup program in Philadelphia. In 1885 the first garbage incinerator in the U.S. was built on Governor’s Island in New York. By 1914, 300 incinerators were already located in the U.S. and Canada. Now Moving on to 1950’s many people began using In-house garbage disposals which reduced a lot of waste. Then in the late 60’s Wisconsin began the first newspaper recycling bin movement. A lot of improvements occurred in 1970 including a clean air act eliminating most incinerators, the first earth day, and the us environmental protection agency was created .To encourage recycling The first centers providing cash for recyclables opened in Washington State in 1972.And then in 1985 the first Adopt-A-Highway program was started in Texas to reduce trash among highways. With this long history of recycling, and the excessive measures taken today, one might wonder why it is we recycle, and why did so many of those before us?

  7. So mine can go first and than it kind of leads into what yours is about...

  8. Thanks, but do you know what exactly we should have out of the book? Should we each have once concept, or each have two? I'm confused about that...

  9. Although recycling as we know it is a very recent establishment, people have been recycling since before 12,000 BC. Before we can understand why it is we recycle, it is important to understand how far we have come, and what exactly in history led us to where we are today. In our class we have been using project based learning to allow students an opportunity to explore their own questions and concerns about recycling. By doing so we have been able to discover how early humans first recycled, and the progression that has been made to get us where we are today. Some of the information our class found was done through an online community where they were able to communicate with other classrooms around the world. I will now briefly discuss some of the information discovered by our class. Digging deep for earliest forms of recycling, they found that way back In 12,000 BC early Egyptians recycled old glass into jewelry and beads. And In 200 AD the Romans began the first street sanitation efforts. From around 1400-1700’s laws were put into place to reduce trash in streets, but unfortunately weren’t really enforced. In 1757 Benjamin Franklin began the first pickup program in Philadelphia. In 1885 the first garbage incinerator in the U.S. was built on Governor’s Island in New York. By 1914, 300 incinerators were already located in the U.S. and Canada. Now Moving on to 1950’s many people began using In-house garbage disposals which reduced a lot of waste. Then in the late 60’s Wisconsin began the first newspaper recycling bin movement. A lot of improvements occurred in 1970 including a clean air act eliminating most incinerators, the first earth day, and the us environmental protection agency was created .To encourage recycling The first centers providing cash for recyclables opened in Washington State in 1972.And then in 1985 the first Adopt-A-Highway program was started in Texas to reduce trash among highways. This is only a fraction of all of the neat information our class was able to find. The research that was performed by our class led us on another aspect of focus on recycling, which was ,With this long history of recycling, and the excessive measures taken today, one might wonder why it is we recycle, and why did so many of those before us?

  10. there I added a new script that sorta includes stuff from the book... do you think thats okay?

  11. yeah that should be okay that is what i was thinkin
