Friday, January 22, 2010

Concept map

i think on the concept map we should include stuff like good for enviornment, reduces energy, and things we recycle like paper,glass, metal and old electronics.


  1. Yes, that sounds good. Maybe instead of good for environment we could call the category bennefits and break it done from there. And then a Category of what we recycle like you said, and then maybe how we recycle? This concept map is due tomorrow, so how do you want to go about doing that? Do we each need to do one?

  2. Anthony, I have been trying to figure out inspiration, however none of the templates work for me, and I keep getting an error that says:The default template is not available and Inspiration could not creat one. I was wondering if you had any problems?

  3. only one of us does the trial now and the other in march since its only thirty days that how she wants us to do it. so i cant get into the program until it gets closer to march
